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Article: Employee value proposition (EVP) in the digital era — innovations and insights for a competitive advantage

In today's competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is a priority for organizations. A key strategy when competing for talent lies in the Employer Value Proposition (EVP), which helps outline to candidates what’s in it for them if they choose your organization. Without a clear EVP, candidates may not understand why your organization is the perfect fit. Or worse, they might think it’s a great fit only to discover it’s not really for them and either turn down the role or leave quickly after they onboard. Because of the impact this can have, a focus on EVP is on the rise. In fact, our recent State of Talent Acquisition (TA) report shows that improving the EVP is one of the top three priorities for TA leadership. Here we’ll explore what a good EVP looks like and the role of technology in putting it to use.

EVPs go beyond talent attraction

EVPs and employer brand work hand in hand to connect the right candidates to the brand by showcasing not only why talent is initially attracted to the brand, but also why talent chooses to stay and thrive within the organization. This means that EVP must go beyond crafting values that will sound appealing to those outside the organization and focus on making those values a reality inside the organization so existing employees can sell the vision to candidate. And a strong EVP not only attracts top talent but also helps in retaining existing employees. It sets the foundation for a positive employer–employee relationship, leading to increased engagement, productivity and loyalty.

Not all EVPs are created alike

The quality of your EVP can mean the difference between winning over highly skilled talent that helps the business achieve its goals, and critical roles being left vacant that give your competitors an edge. And with skill gaps plaguing many organizations, this is an area that’s right to gain renewed attention. To assess your EVP and make sure it’s solid, look at these three core areas:

  1. Clear purpose and mission: A strong EVP articulates an organization's purpose, mission and values. It highlights the company's vision and how employees contribute to its success. An effective EVP also includes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, giving employees the opportunity to contribute to meaningful causes and make a difference.
  2. Work environment and culture: A good EVP emphasizes a positive work environment that fosters collaboration, inclusivity and diversity. It promotes a culture of respect that values difference and encourages open communication. To validate these claims, you’ll need to showcase employee testimonials and success stories, demonstrating that your organization’s values are more than just words on a poster.
  3. Employee care: An attractive EVP assures candidates that they will be taken care of. It promises a competitive salary and benefits package, recognition for their contributions, opportunities for learning and career development, support from leaders and the flexibility needed to succeed both at work and in their personal lives.

The role of technology in EVP

Technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping the ability to measure, sustain and communicate an organization's EVP. Through advanced analytics and data-driven insights, technology enables companies to quantify the impact of their EVP initiatives, identify areas for improvement and sustain a compelling employee experience. Additionally, digital platforms and communication tools facilitate the effective dissemination of EVP messaging, allowing organizations to preach their unique value proposition to current and prospective employees with greater reach and impact. Here are some ways technology is being used to support EVP:

  • Recruitment marketing: Recruitment marketing platforms like iCIMS and Phenom enable you to create compelling job ads and career sites that effectively communicate your EVP and highlight your company culture, helping you attract candidates who align with your mission and vision.
  • Candidate Relationship Management (CRM): Candidate Relationship Management platforms (CRMs) like Beamery and Symphony Talent help you organize your talent and your communications with them. This enables you to personalize outreach to both candidates and employees that promotes your EVP and celebrates key moments in the culture.
  • Recognition: Employee recognition helps reinforce company values and celebrate the EVP. Recognition platforms like Motivosity and Semos Cloud help to promote positive cultures that employees are proud to talk about and share with others.
  • Employee engagement: Engagement surveys like Glint and Perceptyx supply valuable insights into company values, company culture and areas for improvement. By actively listening to employees' feedback, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your EVP and address any concerns.
  • Emerging EVP technology to watch:
    • Boostpoint: Using AI (artificial intelligence) to generate social media job ads and automate text messaging, Boostpoint helps you effectively communicate your organization's EVP to jobseekers.
    • Cliquify: Focused on social promotion of EVP, Cliquify was designed to help you create graphics and videos that highlight your EVP and share those through social media channels, helping you both promote your EVP and measure the areas that have the biggest impact with candidates.
    • Jobpixel: Making it easy to capture real videos from real employees, Jobpixel works to enhance EVP through compelling video testimonials and real job previews, giving candidates a better understanding of your organization's culture and values.

A strong EVP is essential for attracting and retaining top talent in today's competitive job market. By clearly articulating your organization's purpose, fostering a positive work environment and taking care of employees, your organization can create a compelling workplace experience that sets you apart from the competition. Technology can help anchor your values and give employees a chance to showcase them. It can also enable you to share those values with the outer market, giving candidates authentic insight into your organization and their potential place in it. With competition for skilled talent on the rise, now is the time to take a closer look at your EVP and seize the opportunity to elevate it.