The Transportation Policies survey is an evergreen survey. If you previously participated in this survey, you can log in again to update your previous submission.
The deadline for inclusion in the 2025 product release is March 7, 2025; submissions received after this date will be included in the 2026 results release.
What topics are covered?
This survey collects information related to the structure of car and other transportation policies. It includes the following topics:
Car eligibility and benefit overview
- Eligibility by employee level
- Typical vehicle make and model
Car benefit policies
- Eligibility criteria
- Green policies
- Company-owned vehicle policies
- Company-leased vehicle policies
- Car allowance policies
- Alternate transportation benefits
How do I participate?
To participate, go to the survey and enter your email address to begin participation. You will receive a unique link via email to access your survey submission.
Participants who complete the survey by March 7, 2025 will receive free reports on the 2025 results for the markets they provide data for. These reports will be available in mid-May.
How do I update my submission?
If you have previously participated in the Transportation Policies survey, you can return to the survey, and enter your email address to receive the link to your existing survey submission.
Update your submission as needed, and click the Submit button!
What if I can’t login?
If you experience any issues accessing your survey, please contact us.
How will I know that you received my submission?
Once you have clicked Submit to complete the survey, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
What is the survey deadline?
The deadline for inclusion in our 2025 publication is March 7, 2025; however, the survey remains open all year so that you can make updates as needed.
Make sure you click Submit every time you make updates. Remember, you may access your submission and make updates as needed.
When will the results be available?
The latest set of results released in May 2024. Visit the Shop if you'd like to purchase the results.
Which markets are included in this survey?
- Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Panama, Peru, United States
- Asia Pacific: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand
- Central & Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
- Middle East & Africa: Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkiye, United Arab Emirates
- Western Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
How do I purchase the results?
The latest set of results were published in May 2024. Visit the Shop if would like to purchase the results.
Don't forget that participants who complete the survey by March 7, 2025 will receive free reports on the 2025 results for the markets they provide data for. These reports will be available in mid-May.
View our brochure for purchase options or contact us if you have questions.